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Leadership Development


leadership assessment tools

We can help leaders understand their strengths and areas of improvement.


customized leadership programs

We can customize leadership programs to meet your organization development goals.

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professional coaching

We will prepare leaders to adapt and adjust to today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambitious business world.

"Everything rises and falls on leadership."

-John C. Maxwell

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Our Signature Program:



Staff Meeting

Our leadership programs are designed to propel your organization to the next level of growth. We will provide leaders with adequate tools that will enhance their effectiveness to meet the demanding challenges of today's volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambitious business world.  Our founder and lead facilitator of the leadership program, Tina E. Gilbert, has 25 years of experience and is the author of the groundbreaking international book and journal, 'Next Level Thinking - 90 Days to Inspire Your Best Life'.


The competency-based program focuses on developing skills in the following key areas:

  • Self-awareness

  • Learning agility

  • Influencing others

  • Communication

  • Coaching




6 Week Course

Fall 2022

September  20, 2022 - October 25, 2022

Training Time: 10:00AM - 11:30AM CST


Please Note: If an invoice is required for your organization's payment procedure, it will be sent after registration.


Cost Per Person: $1,050.00


Special Introductory Price - ENDS August 31, 2022

Limited Space



View the Next Level Leader Mastermind Curriculum Details

Women Colleagues

Self-Leadership Solutions Curriculum


MODULE 1: DISC Assessment: is an acronym for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. It is an assessment tool used to enhance improvements in teamwork, communication, and productivity. Essentially, DISC builds more effective working relationships. The DISC describes people with ‘D’ behaviors as confident and emphasizes accomplishing bottom-line results. People with ‘I’ behaviors are more open with relationships and influencing or persuading others. People with ‘S’ behaviors are dependable and are more cooperative and sincere. People with ‘C’ behaviors emphasize quality, accuracy, expertise, and competency.


Training objectives:​

  • To build a better understanding of self-awareness and how your behaviors impact your time-management and decision-making skills.

  • To learn more about how your characteristics impact those you lead.

  • To build skills to learn how to adapt quickly to the different styles and respond appropriately.

  • To develop and cultivate behaviors that will reinforce you to be an effective leader.


MODULE 2: Emotional Intelligence: The idea of emotional intelligence is the critical ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions and the ability to recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others. To be emotionally intelligent is to understand yourself, and to understand the team you lead. 


Training objectives:

  • To learn the four core skills needed to practice emotional intelligence.

  • To recognize and identify what motivates others.

  • To become skilled in conflict resolution techniques.

  • To understand how to foster group cohesion such that your team members can seamlessly work together as a unit to reap the benefits of synergy, rather than as several individual and ineffectual parts.

Team - Leadership Solutions Curriculum


MODULE 3: Communication Skills: Effective communication occurs when a message is sent without ambiguity and received with accuracy. Effective communication is an integral part of corporate success. It eliminates avoidable problems and promotes better performance. The ability to communicate effectively at the workplace increases overall productivity by creating a strong team. It is also the foundation for a great customer service experience and interaction. This workshop is designed to equip participants with skills for navigating a variety of communication situations successfully to increase their professional credibility as leaders.


Training objectives:

  • To effectively communicate with your team, and to be understood by others.

  • To increase your level of influence as a leader.

  • To present yourself as someone who can articulate ideas with confidence and clarity.

MODULE 4: Team Accountability: This course will present a powerful model that will incorporate action steps for building a cohesive and effective team. A key responsibility of a leader is to hold others accountable for designated tasks. Leaders will learn about the five basic dysfunctions that can easily derail a team from its set objectives, and how to employ accountability to increase organizational productivity. 


Training objectives:

  • To learn that the foundation of team accountability is trust and that it is often the absence of trust that inhibits team members from freely admitting to their weaknesses and vulnerability. 

  • To understand that avoidance of accountability, which means the refusal of team members to hold each other accountable, occurs only when they haven't clearly subscribed to the mission, values, and goals of the leader and the organization.


Organizational - Leadership Solutions Curriculum


MODULE 5: Building Inclusive Teams: The generation gap appears to be closing with each passing year. This means members from different generations often must work together towards achieving a unified goal, highlighting the compelling imperative for us all to cultivate mutual respect and understanding of each other’s beliefs and styles. Almost invariably, this dynamic itself necessarily dictates a need for organizations to be strategic in the way they group team members for the achievement of corporate goals, such that potential conflicts can be minimized, if not entirely averted, while effectual and synergistic cohesion is maximized. One of the most challenging tasks confronting organizations is building effective teams, especially because an understanding and acceptance of individual differences are particularly critical to the achievement of corporate goals.


Training objectives:

  • To avoid misunderstanding and conflict at the workplace, through a keen awareness of team members’ values, beliefs, and cultural orientations, ultimately to ensure that they not only care about and align with the overall organizational goal but are also personally invested in it.

  • To nurture a culture of inclusivity, diversity and accountability through an effective recruitment process, organizational mentoring programs and employee benefit programs. 

MODULE 6: Driving for Desired Results: It is compellingly necessary to foster a keen understanding of team members’ backgrounds with a view to greatly and consistently enhancing organizational productivity, and to institute an organizational culture of shared beliefs, values, norms, in such a way that team members can communicate effectively with each other and the outside world. 


Training objectives:

  • Understanding how to hold others accountable - a tool that is critically needed by leaders to drive desired results.

  • To use key available information to arrive at the best judgment, and in such a timely manner as to drive desired results.

  • To learn how to create a culture of valued and appreciated achievement that not only promotes organizational long-term growth, but also creates future generations of leaders.

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Founder of Next Level Training Solutions Group LLC, Tina E. Gilbert, a seasoned and proven business and organizational leader and expert, comes from both a rich background and experience in the field of organizational development, helping organizations build effective teams for sustainable long-term corporate growth. She is Author of the groundbreaking, ‘Next Level Thinking - 90 Days to Inspire Your Best Life.’ 

  • Development Dimensions International (Certified facilitator)

  • Achieve Global (Certified facilitator trainer)

  • The John Maxwell Team (Certified trainer and coach)

  • Certified Minority Business Enterprise with the State of Arkansas

  • Certified Women’s Business Enterprise National Council

  • Certification leadership coaching – Personal Leadership Effectiveness, Dr. Ron Jenson

Lead Facilitator

Fall Leadership Class 2022
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